A Covert Military Simulation Predicted Coronavirus’s Reaction
How a simple university simulation predicted Coronavirus’s devastating impact
After the 9/11 attacks, two U.S. senators and media rooms received this letter:
The letter reads:
“You can not stop us. We have this Anthrax. You die now. Are you afraid? Death to America. Death to Israel. Allah is great.”
For reference, anthrax is a deadly disease similar to coronavirus. The letter was laced with it.
As a result, 5 people died and more than 17 people were infected.
After this happened, the White House quickly feared Al-Qaeda’s new weapon of mass terror…
…bioterrorism (or weaponized diseases).
The White House immediately called John Hopkins University researchers to test the United States’s preparedness to bioterrorism.
The researcher’s solution?
To create a simulation called…
Operation Dark Winter
In Operation Dark Winter, researchers released a highly contagious small pox in a major U.S. city (Oklahoma City) that spiraled out of control.
(Similar to what happened in Wuhan)
The result?
Our society collapsed in a matter of days.
Here’s how it played out:
First, hospitals were overrun.
This sounded an outbreak alarm. The news quickly covered it which caused people to panic.
The panic caused people to raid grocery stores dry:
It wasn’t long before a real-life Hunger Games started and people started killing each other to survive.
Hundreds of thousands die and society eventually collapses.
After the simulation ended, the researchers had a sobering realization:
We aren’t prepared for a REAL pandemic.
So they warned the White House about their results and gave them a few actionable takeaways.
Did the White House do anything?
Of course not.
As Colonel Randall Larsen, one of the chief architects of Operation Dark Winter, explained:
“There’s no real lobbying effort for it [pandemics] being done.”
Due to this, there’s nothing being done to prepare us for the next pandemic. We’re literally sitting ducks waiting to get hit.
And that’s exactly what happened with the Coronavirus.
At the end of 2019, a new Coronavirus outbreak happened in Wuhan.
This wasn’t the first.
It happened before back in 2002, killing more than 700 people.
Its origin?
The Chinese wet markets (or live animal markets).
17 years later and a new, more contagious Coronavirus outbreak happened.
This time the entire world gets hit — including the United States.
As a result, people panic.
Hospitals are overrun:
Grocery stores are being raided:
And fighting breaks out in some cities:
The only reason why our entire society didn’t replay Operation Dark Winter is because of the disease itself — it isn’t lethal enough.
Had the disease been the 1918 Spanish Flu, we would’ve been screwed.
Take a look at this simulation funded by Bill Gates:
That’s the 1918 Spanish Flu in modern day. It reaches almost every city and kills more than 30 million people…in less than 6 months.
The crazy part?
This can ACTUALLY happen.
As we’ve seen from the Coronavirus, a contagious disease can develop in a blink of an eye and spread like wildfire.
So what’s the solution?
Bill Gates said it best:
“The world needs to prepare for pandemics in the same serious way it prepares for war.”
And how do we do that?
By realizing that Coronavirus isn’t the last pandemic. If anything, it’s the first warning bell for the next deadly pandemic.
Whether from nature or a bioterrorist attack — which has been done in the past — the next one is coming.
But it can be stopped if we prepare for the next one. If we don’t, we risk making Operation Dark Winter a reality.
Which leads us to the trillion dollar question:
How do we prepare for it?
That’s for you smart Mediumers to answer in the comments below. Let’s start a discussion!